


Rent Arrears – Tenant Abandoned the property – Section 8 notice – Matter represented by us – on the first hearing – Outcome

Possession forthwith, Payment of all rent arrears and costs

This is the first property of the Landlord which they bought to let. Upon the payment of only first month rent and deposit, the tenant stopped payment of any rent and stopped all kind of communications. Upon the visit to the property, the landlord found the tenant had lot of post in the porch. He contacted the neighbours, who confirmed that they have not seen the tenant for long. The Landlord contacted us for formal eviction. We serve section 8 notice and took the matter to the court. We also advised the landlord not to change the lock or take over the possession without the order from the court. Upon the first hearing with our robust arguments, the court ordered:-

Possession forthwith and release of deposit in the Landlord’s favour and payment of costs
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