


Rent Arrears of over 4.5k – tenant (seems) abandoned the property – No communication whatsoever – Section 8 notice – Matter represented by us – on the first hearing – Outcome

Possession in 14 days, Payment of all rent arrears

The tenants were very evasive and then they stopped all kind of communication with the landlady. Upon inspection of the property, the landlord found that the tenants have changed the lock but there were lot of unattended posts in the porch. The landlady sent couple of messages to the tenants but no response. Landlady approached us for getting the property back. We advised the landlady not to change the lock as it may amount to illegal eviction especially where the tenants stuff can be seen from window. We suggested for section 8 notice to avoid any allegations for illegal eviction. After serving section 8 notice, we filed the case in the court. On the first hearing, we explained the whole situation to the Judge. Upon perusal of every document, the District Judge was satisfied to order to tenant to:-

Vacate the property in 14 days and pay all the costs and rent arrears.
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